If your child suffers from OCD, neither you nor your child is alone in battling this disorder. Not only do millions of adults have OCD, but also millions of children struggle with OCD.
Learning about OCD can help you sort out whether your child’s behavior or symptoms appear to be signs of OCD. We know it can be confusing, because your child’s behavior frequently doesn’t make sense. And you might not know how to respond or where to turn for help.
OCD affects millions of adults around the world. But millions of children, worldwide, also struggle with OCD. In fact, research shows that approximately one in 100 children has OCD. And when you include other family members who are affected by a child with OCD, this unwanted condition affects many millions more.
The good news is that you’ve come to the right place for help. Treatment for OCD is available, and your child can be helped.
Getting proper treatment is essential so you and your child can learn how to take control of his or her OCD and gain relief.
Watching a loved one struggle with OCD can be highly distressing. Many parents feel this pain is magnified further by a sense of responsibility or self-blame inherent to their role as guardian. Do not fall into this trap. It’s important for you to know that you are not to blame for your child’s OCD. And your child isn’t to blame either.
OCD is a medical condition, like allergies or asthma. Researchers have found that functioning in certain areas of the brain is different in individuals who have OCD compared to those who don’t. Abnormalities in the chemical systems that send messages between brain cells have also been found. In addition, research has indicated that genetic, behavioral, cognitive, and environmental factors may also play a role in the onset of OCD.
Beyond OCD ’s mission is to help children and adults with OCD get relief. We encourage you to view the information on this web site. You can also download copies of our information-rich OCD Guides:
And check out the More Resources section for recommended books and help finding a support group.
Learn more about helping an adult child with OCD
Learn more about helping a younger child or teen with OCD
Download (or order) a copy of any of our free guides
How You Can Help Fight OCD
Please join us in our fight against OCD. We need your help to bring information and education to people with OCD, their families and friends, educators, clergy and the media.